Thursday 13 November 2008

work with Frogdesign?

Your adventures could well start here, check out the link, get a placement, live happily ever after.
Seriously though - check this out. As we have been stressing, if you start to be proactive things will  always happen:

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Ride the Flux?

Following on from what I talked about last week re: thinking outside of the box and making  your own opportunities, a thought provoking little piece...

Friday 10 October 2008

Document your Process

I would like to introduce you to Richard Walters.
You may well know Richard, he graduated last year and is currently working on a live Point of Purchase project on a freelance basis.

I have had the pleasure of offering some input into the project, which is currently being mocked up in foam, in the workshop.

A point that we have discussed, and most relevant to this blog, is the documentation of live projects.

Evidence, that is what we are talking about.

More specifically evidence of process; the decisions you have made, working with potential end-users, building full sized ergonomic mock ups etc. etc. Employers are interested in process. Document it.

This will add a human dimension to your portfolio and provide a starting point for conversations at interview.

Please speak to Richard if you see him around; he is a most approachable chap and generally all-round good egg!

This email was independently scanned for viruses by McAfee anti-virus software and none were found

Hello: this is me

As with so many of the wonderful, joyous things in life, this came from our very own Drew Batchelor. Look out for him cycling through your studio soon.
take a look at:
Enjoy. Be Inspired. Work Hard. Have Fun. Design.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Infinity and Beyond...

A very warm welcome to this blog which we hope will build into an inspirational resource providing you young designers with valuable insight into the varied and exciting array of opportunities that await you beyond the perimeter fence of UWE (and how to make the most of your time at university in terms of preparation for a design-related career).

As an overview, myself and David Henshall, working with the second years have constructed an onion. An onion-shaped graphic that is which symbolises your journey outwards from UWE, perhaps via a work placement and into your first job.